Agawam Paranormal
Reading Selections
At almost every library event that we have done this year, someone always asks me to suggest some of my favorite books and reads for them to also enjoy. Please note that Agawam Paranormal is not affiliated with nor associated with any of the following authors, I simply enjoyed their respective works and recommend them on a purely personal basis. Well here are a few of my very favorites, in no particular order:
* The Ghost Files by Jeff Belanger
* Wierd Hauntings by Joanne Austin
* Ghosthunters by John Kachuba
* Ghosts by Jon Izzard
* How To Hunt Ghosts by Joshua Warren
* Picture Yourself Ghost Hunting by Christopher Balzano
* The Everything Ghost Hunting Book by Melissa Martin Ellis
Most of these titles are also available as “E-Books” as well as hard copy. Also most local libraries should have these there for your convienance. I hope that you enjoy them as much as I have, let me know.